Spinning Wheel vs Drop Spindle-Which to Choose?

Spinning wheels are a staple of the fiber arts, but when it comes to choosing one, you'll likely find yourself overwhelmed. There are so many different types!

Drop spindles vs floor spinning wheels: which one is right for you?

In this blog post, we'll cover the pros and cons of both options so that you can make an informed decision.

I learned on a drop spindle like many people and while it’s great to learn the basics of twist and drafting it can actually be easier I think to perfect your spin on a studio wheel. This frees up both of your hand and lets you spin continuously vs having to stop and start. However once you get the hang of spinning drop spindles can be a fun option for portability and just experiencing the craft in a different way.

Drop Spindles

Drop spindles are portable, inexpensive, and easy to use—a great choice if you just want to get started with spinning. They are also simple in design, comprised of only a few parts: the shaft (which is usually made from wood), the whorl (a weight that keeps the thread taut), and the hook (where you attach your yarn). Drop spindles are ideal for beginners because they are easy to learn how to use and can be used anywhere—at home or on-the-go!

Floor Spinning Wheels

Floor spinning wheels offer more versatility than drop spindles. They come in different sizes and styles, allowing you to tailor them based on your needs. Floor spinning wheels are typically larger than drop spindles and have many more parts: the wheel itself; a flyer (which holds bobbins); treadle (for foot power); and gears and tension mechanism (to increase/decrease tension).

Step by Step Dream Yarn Course-Everything you need to start and enjoy spinning!
Every month

Module 1 get to know different types of spinning wheel, historic and modern and which would be best for you. Module 2 learn about different spinning fibers for spinning yarn ( So you can plan out your own dream yarn) Module 3 - Learn about some different fiber prep options and how they affect you finial yarn Module 4 - Let’s go over the basics of yarn spinning. This is your foundation to refer back to. Module 5 & Module 6 Reference for fiber types and extensive trouble shooting

✓ two ply and chain ply lessons
✓ major savings on spinning fiber
✓ Fiber Prep/ Post spinning Yarn prep
✓ Too much or too little twist trouble shooting
✓ Online help with Facebook group
Drop Spindle Course
One time
For 3 months

After much request I’ve made an online version of my local drop spindle and intro to spinning workshop. This is 12 video online workshop designed to take the student from having never held fiber or a spindle all the way through 2 plying your final yarn. There are also 4 bonus videos covering common troubleshooting that has been covered in local classes as well as how to set your yarn after it’s spun, and how to chain or “navajo ply “ on a drop spindle for beginners.

✓ Free Spinning Fiber Braid
✓ Online support in Facebook Group
✓ This is my most beloved course!
Yarn Cult Exclusive

Since 2016 we've been collecting a vault of info on the fiber arts. Most of this has been limited time exclusives or offered as bonuses for paid courses or material. I'm really excited to have the opportunity to have a permeant place for it to live here on my website as an ever growing resource for our favorite fiber besties. It's free just sign up to log in so you can be notified when new free content or opportunities are added in the future because you never know what will be next.